The clock comes tumbling down (and makes national news)


This Instagram video of a dropping clock at Purdue University in West Lafayette Nov. 27 was rebroadcast on several networks including CNN and Fox News, though thankfully no one was injured in the incident and the contractor that dropped the clock promised to make good with a new clock.

Two contractors working for Verdin Clock Company on a cherry picker platform appeared to be too close for comfort when the clock tumbled from the crane — but they were escaped unscathed.

See CNN’s report on the falling clock here.

“The Verdin Company has been in business for over 175 years and safety while installing our products is one of our highest priorities and we have a very strong safety record,” the Cincinnati-based company said in a statement. “We want to express our sincerest apology to Purdue University regarding the damage to their clock.”

The company said it will continue to work with Purdue to ensure 100 percent customer satisfaction by replacing the damaged clock.


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