Livestock feed mill opens

Photo: Andrew Butko/Creative Commons licence

Feedstuffs is reporting that construction on a pellet-feed mill in Columbia City has now been completed.

The $12.4 million plant took 16 months to construct and was built on behalf of Alliance Feed LLC a joint venture between Co-Alliance LLP. and Farmer’s Grain and Feed.

According to Feedstuffs, the mill’s design is based on the Co-Alliance feed mill in Reynolds, which currently produces 275,000 tons to feed more than 800,000 pigs annually. At capacity, the Columbia City mill will utilize six million bushels. of locally grown corn annually, and about 13 people will be employed to handle daily mill operations, with an increased number during the busy harvest season.

That product level is enabled by a 50 ton per hour pelletizer which is installed at the mill.




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