Indiana construction firms face shortage of qualified workers


Construction firms in Indiana are facing a shortage of qualified construction workers, according to a new survey.

The survey, conducted by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGCA), shows that 72 percent of Indiana firms are having a hard time filling job openings, especially for the hourly positions that make up the bulk of construction work. That’s close to the national and Midwest rate of 80 percent,

“Construction workforce shortages have become so widespread they are impacting virtually every aspect of the construction industry,” the AGCA survey reported. “Construction firms are changing the way they recruit, train, schedule, charge and staff as they struggle to cope with labor shortages that make it increasingly difficult for them to keep pace with demand. In one sense the changes workforce shortages are prompting could prove positive as workers earn more and firms become more efficient with their operations. Yet it is also clear that workforce shortages pose a real and substantial risk to the broader economy.”


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