Indiana American Water breaks ground on $18 million Noblesville water treatment project

groundbreaking noblesville
(Indiana American Water image)

Indiana American Water has broken ground on an $18 million project that adds additional capacity and water treatment capabilities to its Noblesville system. The project includes construction of a new water treatment facility and an additional groundwater well at a wellfield located on the city’s north side along Allisonville Road.

“Noblesville has consistently been one of the fastest growing of all the communities we serve around the state,” said Indiana American Water president Matt Prine. “A high-quality source of water is a key factor for any successful community, and this project enables us to continue to meet the needs of a growing Noblesville.”

The project, which will be completed early next year includes construction of a new water treatment facility, adding a second well to the existing well at this location, and construction of a one-million- gallon ground storage tank. The plant design will also allow the company to recycle nearly all of the water used to backwash the filters at this location.

The plant will be able to provide approximately three million gallons of filtered drinking water and is being constructed so it can be easily expanded as future demand requires additional capacity.


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