Historic block redeveloped


Those interested in seeing historic buildings saved from the wrecking ball have a chance to do so this Saturday.

Indiana Landmarks has organized a tour of the United Brethren Block in Huntington. It will take place on August 17 between 2:00 and 5:00 PM.

Formerly on the organization’s 10 Most Endangered building list, the group of buildings on East Franklin Street includes the 1889 Odd Fellows Hall, the circa 1915 International Order of Oddfellows Trust Building, and 1915 United Brethren building (connected in the late 1950s to house the church’s publishing company).

Now, after a $9 million restoration, the property is known as UB Lofts.

Once it officially opens, the complex will include 37 market-rate lofts, art studios, a culinary kitchen operated by Pathfinder Services, Inc., and Huntington University’s entrepreneurship programs.

Originally the buildings were scheduled for demolition, Indiana Landmarks worked with Huntington Alert to prevent that from happening. Using funds from Indiana Landmarks’ Efroymson Family Endangered Places Fund and matching funds from the City of Huntington, Indiana Landmarks repaired leaky roofs, commissioned a structural and reuse assessment, and spread the word about the redevelopment opportunity.

The restoration was headed by Anderson Partners and contracting work was done by AP Development LLC, which is an affiliated company. AP Development has worked with more than 60 nonprofits in the development of housing and community facilities



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