Contractors use slide-in construction for I-70 bridges

slide in bridge

Slide-in construction is the accelerated bridge construction (ABC) method contractors are using to replace the twin three-span bridges carrying eastbound and westbound I-70 traffic over S.R. 121 / New Paris Pike in Wayne County, WTTV-TV Indianapolis has reported.

The new bridge deck will be built on temporary supports adjacent to the existing bridge. After the new bridge is built, that direction of traffic will be reduced to one lane and temporarily shifted across the median to share the other side of the interstate with the opposing direction of traffic separated by concrete barriers. The existing bridge will be demolished and the new bridge will slide laterally into place. The approaches to the new bridge will be rebuilt, and traffic will be returned to its normal configuration. This sequencing will occur twice, once for each bridge and direction of traffic.

Construction is anticipated to finish before June of 2018.


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