Pryolyx AG signs key supply agreement as $25 million Terre Haute project moves forward

terre haute plant
Google image showing the site of the $25 million plant in Terre Haute

Munich-based Pyrolyx AG, which extracts rCB (recovered carbon black) from end-of-life
tires, says it has signed an extended multi-year supply agreement in the US with one of the world’s leading masterbatch manufacturers. Under this agreement, Pyrolyx will supply rCB for the manufacturer of colorants, special effects and additives.

Masterbatch is a plastic additive, which contains colorants, additives and carbon black.

Pyrolyx has also signed a 10-year feedstock supply contract for end-of-life tires in the US which is a key step for the company’s recently announced construction of a state-of-the-art rCB plant in Terre Haute. This end-of-life tire supply contract provides approximately 40,000 metric tons per year of input material to the Pyrolyx process, and most importantly results in some four million waste tires being recycled each year.

These long-term agreements mean that prior to construction, Pyrolyx AG has secured a buyer for a substantial share of its output as well as a supplier for all its new plant’s required feedstock, the company says in its recent announcement.

Earlier, Terre Haute council received a request for economic development and solid waste bonds for construction of the, 50,000-sq. ft. plant at 4150 E. Steelton Ave. to reclaim carbon black, oil and metal from scrap tires for use in new products, The Tribune-Star reported.

Pyrolyx USA has said the plant would use clean technology and generate 55 full-time jobs paying $19 per hour. Company officials have stressed that no tires will be stored or burned on site.

The financing being sought for the plant is authorized under Internal Revenue Service rules but would not resulting in any financial obligation for the city, according to Steve Witt, president of Terre Haute Economic Development Corp.


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