Bloomington masonry contractor accepts $11,200 IOSHA fine following worker’s death

rock solid masonry
The Rock Solid Masonry website

The contractor cited for safety violations after the death of a construction worker at the  Indiana University Bloomington campus has reached a settlement with the Indiana Department of Labor.

The Safety and Health Administration Department (IOSHA) cited Rock Solid Masonry LLC with four serious violations and a fine of $11,200.

Safety and Health Administration spokesperson Stephanie McFarland told Indiana Public Media the settlement has been reduced to $10,080 after an informal conference with officials from the Indiana Department of Labor.

McFarland says the amount was reduced because the contract company immediately corrected procedures. The company also committed to complete training for all employees.

An inspection report says that employees were exposed to a “struck-by hazard” due to the misuse of a winch to hoist a piece of limestone that measured nearly 10 feet long.


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